1300 830 830

Enforcing Obligations Under An Agreement

In any agreement the parties to the agreement will have obligations to one another


Franchise Dispute Services

Enforcing Obligations


In any agreement the parties to the agreement will have obligations to one another. These obligations are known as "contractual obligations".

Franchise disputes often arise when franchisors or franchisees do not meet their contractual obligations.

Obligations under a franchise agreement include the payment of monies, the doing of something (such as providing support or operating a franchise business), or the not doing of something (such as not using confidential information or not operating a competing business).


We can assist you to enforce contractual obligations under an agreement by:

  • writing a letter requiring that certain conduct stop (such as using confidential information);
  • writing a letter requiring certain things to be done (such as providing support);
  • writing a letter of demand (such as a demand for the payment of monies);
  • issuing a notice to remedy breach (giving the party time to remedy any of the breaches);
  • issuing a notice terminating the agreement (in the circumstances allowed under the agreement and if the agreement is a franchise agreement, in accordance with the Franchising Code of Conduct)
  • issuing injunction proceedings to stop certain conduct (such as if someone is operating a competing business);
  • issuing other proceedings.


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